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This is Nancy from China,She likes positive movies very much, such as sex education. Although she did not finish college and was defrauded of a lot of money, she never gave in to life and overcame many difficulties. She likes to watch American movies and is open-minded. Tolerant and giving people many possibilities, it made her feel very vital. She also liked brightly colored clothes and matching colors, so after encountering many difficulties, she chose to be a customer service to help Americans solve their problems. Online consultation is Her happiest thing is that she can not only help American customers but also help herself learn more about different cultures. She is engaged in a relatively rare industry, referred to as the human doll industry, and helps many people find their sexual orientation. She said she likes to help The feeling of others makes her feel satisfied and happy. She advises customer service on how to buy a life-size sex doll in BestRealDoll.com.